Bench and Bairns

Published: 23 September 2019

The Institute recently hosted two informative Athena SWAN sessions at which HR representative Eileen Brand detailed parental leave entitlements

Bench and Bairns Sep 2019 I

The Institute of Infection, Immunity, and Inflammation recently hosted two informative Athena SWAN Bench & Bairn sessions at which HR representative Eileen Brand detailed parental leave entitlements.

Those in attendance at Sir Michael Stoker Building on the Garscube campus and in the Sir Graeme Davies Building L2 common room were able to ask questions on a number of related topics.

Feedback received included:

“It was good to hear about the ordinary parental leave and emergency leave for dependents, and that this type of leave is entitled but unpaid.” - Permanent Research Assistant, Female

 “I didn’t know the ordinary parental leave was applicable until the child is 18 years old. I thought it was younger - that was good to know.” Permanent staff, Male

“It was good to hear about the shared parental leave and emergency leave for dependents, although unpaid.” - Podstdoc, Female.

“I had no idea about using 18 weeks till my child was 18 years of ordinary parental leave." Investigator scientist and postdoc, both Females.

“I am looking forward to the new carers policy being brought about by the university to offer more support to carers that Eileen briefly mentioned, as I have to take my daughter for frequent hospital appointments and this results in a lot of unpaid leave.” - Admin staff, Female

Refreshments were provided by Self Asessment Team (SAT) member Madeleine White, and the banana and chocolate cake went down a storm!

Athena SWAN SAT co-chair Megan MacLeod said: "Eileen provided some really helpful advice on different University leave policies and answered specific questions from the attendees. And thanks to Maddie for the great cake, too!"

Annual Report

The iii Athena SWAN annual report has been uploaded to the webpage. The report details important highlights and summaries of key findings and can be read here:

First published: 23 September 2019