Welcome to our new POEM Marie Curie Research Fellows

Published: 28 November 2018

Part of the Participatory Memory Practices European Training Network

It’s great to welcome to Information Studies and Glasgow Franziska Mucha, our new POEM Marie Curie Research Fellow who is part of the Participatory Memory Practices European Training Network, in which the University of Glasgow is one of the eight European partners.

Franziska will be working for her PhD on crowdsourcing museum collections information using the Hunterian collections as one of her case studies. She is supervised by Maria Economou & Kat Lloyd from Information Studies, and Steph Scholten from The Hunterian. Before starting in Glasgow on the 1st October, Franziska used to be Digital Curator at the Museum of the City of Frankfurt.

It’s also exciting news that the second UoG POEM researcher, Cassy Kist, just arrived to Glasgow from Canada, to start on the 1st December 2018. Cassy will be working with us (with Maria Economou as her main supervisor) and Glasgow Museums studying the use of social media for supporting engagement with arts and culture.

First published: 28 November 2018

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