The scca.partnerships project facilitates innovative and enduring relationships with our diverse cultural, creative arts and community partners in the city of Glasgow and beyond. These collaborations enhance learning, teaching and student experience, through innovative courses and programmes, including masterclasses, work placements and internships.
Future Creatives, a showcase of student work
Citizens Theatre Partnership
Co-op Education Project
GMAC Film Partnership
Graduate Attributes Research Project
Partnerships Team
Partnerships Team
- Kathryn Willens, Partnerships Manager
- Sophie Minervini, Partnerships Administrator
Partnerships Strategic Board
- Prof Karen Lury (Chair)
- Dr Kirsten Adkins
- Prof Mark Banks
- Prof Minty Donald
- Prof Louise Harris
- Dr Henry Ivry
- Dr Allan Madden
- Pauline McLachlan
Partnerships Showcase Working Group
- Dr Kirsten Adkins
- Aine Allardyce
- Dr Michael Bachmann
- Dr Graham Eatough
- Prof Nick Fells
- Prof Ian Garwood
- Dr Iain Finlay-Walsh
- Prof Ian Garwood
- Dr Nikki Kane
- SCCA Student Rep (2023-24: Niamh McLaughlin)