Psychological Science, Research Methods of MSc
Academic staff
Academic staff
Prospective applicants are encouraged to consult the Academic Staff and Research pages for further information on the research interests of groups and individual staff members. This information is vital when researching potential supervisors.
Psychologists at the University of Glasgow maintain a global reputation for excellence. The following indicators of esteem convey the breadth of this accomplishment.
- Numerous international awards and prizes for outstanding research achievement.
- Many plenary lectures at prestigious scientific meetings throughout the world.
- Editorial positions at leading international journals in the field, including Psychological Science, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, and Cognition.
- Chairs on various advisory boards.
Some examples of our academic staff include:
Professor Stephany Biello’s current research programme is aimed at understanding how cues interact within the circadian system. This includes how the clock organises the physiological and behavioural changes that occur on a daily basis, how this organisation is accomplished at the cellular level and how this interacts with homeostatic sleep mechanisms.
Professor Lawrence Barsalou has been supported by a variety of US funding agencies, including the National Science Foundation. He has held a Guggenheim fellowship, served as the chair of the Cognitive Science Society, and won an award for graduate teaching from the University of Chicago. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, the Cognitive Science Society, the Mind and Life Institute, and the Society of Experimental Psychologists.
Professor Simon Garrod has an appointment to the University of Australia as part of their distinguished visiting scholar program, is an external member of the appointments committee for the Director of Max Plank Institute in Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, sits on the ESRC research grants college of assessors, and is an Editorial board member for a number of journals, including: Cognition, Cognitive Science, Journal of Memory and Language, Frontiers in Language Sciences, Language and Cognitive Processes. Professor Garrod holds the Chair in Cognitive Psychology and is director of the INP Social Interactions Centre. Interests in psycholinguistics include reading, dialogue, and the evolution of language and communication. He was awarded the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the Society for Text and Discourse and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Professor Joachim Gross is Professor of Systems Neuroscience, Acting Director of the Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging and Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator. His group investigates the functional role of brain oscillations using Neuroimaging and computational methods. His main goal is to understand how brain oscillations support perception and action. Professor Gross was awarded a Senior fellowship from the University of Konstanz, Germany, won the Sam Williamson Prize (International conference for Biomagnetism 2010) and has recently been invited to join editorial board of a new journal 'Brain connectivity' as well as the International Scientific Program Committee for Biomag 2012. In addition, he is Co-chair of educational session at HBM international conference (2010 & 2011), and presented a Keynote lecture at MEG UK meeting.