Rachel Krofcheck

Treating immigrants with dignity

Rachel's ambition

My ambition, and really my passion, is to support undocumented Latino immigrants in the United States and to work towards ending the criminalization and dehumanization of this community. 

I recently worked for two years in a self-started immigrant resource ministry in rural Pennsylvania. This project began with a cell phone and a basement office and eventually grew into a community advocacy program much larger than I ever anticipated. I learned first-hand the stories of courageous parents who risked everything to give their children a better life, and teenagers who were struggling to attend university because they were brought into the country “illegally” as children. 

As I built a network of clients, advocates and allies, I knew that I needed to undergo more personal formation in order to fully realize my dream of shaping my community into a more inclusive environment. This revelation is what pushed me to return to school, specifically Glasgow, and to take the next step towards becoming a more effective advocate and ally.


Rachel is a University of Glasgow graduate and is part of our community of Future World Changers, who have ambitions to improve lives across the globe. Follow the stories of our current world-changing students as they work to build a better and more sustainable future by using #UofGFWC.

Rachel's progress