Interested in hiring a UofG student?
Careers, Employability & Opportunity are thrilled to announce the launch of the new Student Opportunities Hub.
Bringing together the Internship Hub and Student Job Hub in one place, the Student Opportunities Hub is a one-stop-shop for UofG staff to find student talent for internship projects and student friendly part-time/casual roles. Hiring a student offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into the student mindset. By recruiting students, you access fresh, innovative ideas and benefit from their diverse skill sets. Additionally, you play a vital role in shaping their future career prospects by providing valuable work experience.
The Student Opportunities Hub makes it easy to recruit students by offering promotion, application form management, eligibility checks, and interview arrangements (depending on the type of role you're recruiting for). Opportunities can be part-time during the academic term (up to 20 hours per week) or part-time/full-time over the summer, catering to your department's needs.
Funding has been received through the Student Experience strategy to increase opportunities through the Student Opportunities Hub acknowledging the vital role of work experience in enhancing students time at university and in preparing them for their future lives and careers.
Have a look at the different types of roles we support and get in touch with the Student Opportunities team to find out more about how we can help you find brilliant student talent for your department.
What is an internship?
Internships are time-bound, project based opportunities for UofG students to work alongside UofG staff and can take place in all areas of the university (Schools/Colleges/Departments). They should be no less than 6 weeks in length and can be up to 12 months (depending on what your project needs). If the internship is taking place during term-time, the maximum hours per week a student can work is 20, so any internship project would need to reflect that. If the internship is taking place over the summer, students can work more than 20 hours.
How does it work?
The Student Opportunities team work alongside the central HR team to support you throughout the recruitment process when hiring a student intern. This is a streamlined and efficient process, following university guidelines, to find you the best candidate for your role through a fair and equal process.
Here is a short guide as to how this process works, please get in touch with us to discuss further:
- Contact the Student Opportunities team (SOT) to discuss your internship idea
- Download a internship template job description (link coming soon)
- Fill out your role specific details and send to your Local Resourcing Coordinator (LRC) to start the new staff checklist process
- Once the new staff checklist is complete, your internship will be passed to the SOT by your LRC
- SOT will add your role to the Student Opportunities Hub (SOH) and begin advertising
- Students apply directly on the SOH, once advertising period closes, SOT will conduct basic quality and screening checks before sending over eligible applications for you to shortlist for interview
- Complete the SOH shortlisting/interview request form and return to the SOT, who will coordinate interviews with students and issue your final interview schedule
- Conduct your interviews on confirmed date(s). Please note interview panels should be made up of 2 people, ideally with a gender balance, who have both completed the Recruitment and Selection training in full
- Once interviews are complete, email SOT with your completed interview assessment form and nominate your preferred candidate, SOT will send out an official offer
- After student accepts, SOT pass the candidate details back to your LRC who will progress with onboarding and confirm start date
The Student Opportunities Hub supports a fair and equal recruitment and cannot process direct appointments for internships.
Part-time jobs
What is a part-time job?
For the purposes of the Student Opportunities Hub (SOH), a part-time job should be less than 20 hours a week and should be a role that the general student population can fulfill. This is where it differs to internships, which are more project and skills based. Part-time jobs can either be temporary, fixed term or permanent contracts.
How does it work?
Compared to internships, part-time jobs operate slightly differently within the SOH. We can support the promotion of your role, to attract more students to apply and help you find the best candidate. We can do this through placing the job advert on the SOH, advertising on social media and in our weekly student newsletter.
The recruitment process for these roles will follow the central HR processes, contact your Local Resourcing Coordinator (LRC) to get started. Once your role has been approved and is at advert, let the Student Opportunities team know and we can pick up the promotion for you.
Recruiting Casual Workers?
Casual workers are paid an hourly rate and are not legally defined as employees of the university. These roles suit short term, ad-hoc recruitment needs. For full details on what a casual worker is and the policies around recruiting this way, visit the Extended Workforce policy.
If you currently recruit students as Casual Workers, please also let us know and we can help promote your opportunity and get you the best pool of candidates to hire from.
Casual workers
What is a casual worker?
Casual workers are paid an hourly rate and are not legally defined as employees of the university. These roles suit short term, adhoc recrutment needs. For full details on what a casual worker is and the policies around recruiting this way, visit the Extended Workforce policy.
How does it work?
Similar to part-time jobs, we can support the promotion of your role, to attract more students to apply and help you find the best candidate. We can do this through placing the job advert on the Student Opportunities Hub (SOH), advertising on social media and in our weekly student newsletter.
The recruitment process for these roles is different to internships and part-time jobs, as it does not involve the central HR team. Casual workers are handled at local levels but can still benefit from interacting with the Student Opportunities team (SOT). Before looking to recruit a casual worker, you should read through the full policy. Once your role is at advert, let the SOT know and we can pick up the promotion for you.
If you need any additional support with the recruitment of your casual workers (including application receiving and interview arrangements), please do contact us and we'll be happy to discuss how we may be able to further assist.
HR contacts
If you're looking to hire a student for an internship or part-time job, the Student Opportunities Hub will do this in partnership with the university's central HR team. Students working in these roles (internships and part-time jobs) will be classed as employees and as such, need to be added to the central HR system.
The Student Opportunities team will advise you who you need to speak to from HR and when, if you're not already aware. To help you with this, you can find a list of HR contacts on their web pages.